A manufacturing manager may be the most important employee a company ever hires. As the next best thing to an owner, a good manager should be willing and able to handle any project and should treat the company like their own. They must know the business inside and out, address issues in-depth with the workers in all departments, and hold the respect of all workers they supervise. Their expertise is crucial to the effective running of the business, which should be their primary concern.
Hiring a manufacturing manager is often challenging, and the wrong choice can have disastrous effects. You’ll want to screen all potential candidates thoroughly to find the ideal person for the job.
Where to Find Potential Managers
You can look for new manufacturing managers at job recruitment sites, job fairs, or within the company. An easy way to find a new manager is to promote a current employee that you feel is ready to take on more responsibility. Wading through the myriad of applications from job recruitment sites can be a long, tedious process, so hiring from within can save you some time.
If you’d like to look outside your current talent pool for a manufacturing manager, it’s essential that you screen your candidates carefully. Programmatic job advertising can help target specific applicants, only targeting fully-qualified candidates who can bring an extensive portfolio of accomplishments and skills to the company for consideration.
Finding the Right External Candidates
Whether you are a recruiter or human resources professional, you must have a clear and accurate job description when soliciting applicants. A good job description will prevent everyone who is not qualified from applying.
Be specific in what you expect in job skills, experience, and education. The program can then automatically reject anyone submitting an application lacking these requirements.
Ideal candidates will have experience in a business that is at least similar to the position they are applying for. Look for people who can ease into the role without too much basic training. At the same time, don’t pass up an outstanding candidate if their experience is in a different industry. The right person is worth training.
The application process should include skill tests to determine attention to detail, problem-solving techniques, and supervisory abilities. In addition, use personality tests to illuminate possible conflicts and determine a good fit.
Perks of Hiring From Within
Giving current employees a chance to climb the corporate ladder always feels good. A good manager from the ranks will garner the workers’ loyalty far more quickly than an outside hire. An HR professional’s job is to know whether your current employees have what it takes to make the company’s next great manufacturing manager.
If you feel like some current workers would be able to fill the position, invite them to apply. However, it’s essential to be objective. Do not let loyalty to current employees cloud your judgment about applicants’ qualifications and experience. If you find a great candidate, don’t let minor details keep you from hiring them.
Hourly Or Salary?
There are two schools of thought with regards to paying a manager. Some managers fear that if they hold a salary position, they are more likely to be taken advantage of by their employer. Employers worry that managers will milk the clock if they pay them hourly, especially since managers may have to work long hours.
Manufacturing managers are usually salaried. Management is a position that requires devotion to the running of the business and someone who will put in the time needed to ensure everything is running smoothly. It is not a position that adheres to strict eight to five hours. The manager must be readily available in the event of a problem.
Next Steps
Once you’ve decided to hire from within the ranks, from outside applicants, or are considering both, it’s time to put together a detailed job description.
Post the listing on an internal job board or an external job recruitment site, including skills and personality tests. Call for applications to be in by a specific date, so there is no confusion for the applicants.
Once all the applications are reviewed carefully, call and schedule interviews with those who fit the position best. You may even want to have the top candidates spend a few hours with upper management or the owner on the factory floor, discussing the operations and getting to know each other. Personality compatibility is essential in a well-running team.
Follow up on your top applicants’ work and personal references. An applicant can look very good on paper and be a smooth talker, but they won’t be able to fake their abilities once the job starts.
The most important thing is to be aware of the challenges that you could face and to take steps to overcome them. Follow these tips and you’re sure to find the right manufacturing manager in no time.