Businesses are re-opening their doors, people are getting first and second vaccine shots, and many signs are pointing to the tide turning on Covid-19. But unemployment has remained fairly unchanged for the past few months, floating right around 6%. Employers everywhere are struggling to hire, even though there are still many job seekers out there looking for work. The hiring mismatch has fueled lots of debate and questions: Are safety precautions still the top thing on candidates’ minds? Are unemployment benefits doing more harm than good? Will businesses have to keep up with the trend of rising wages to attract workers?
In our latest job seeker survey, we asked people how long they’ve been looking for work, the most important thing they’re looking for, the effects of unemployment benefits and stimulus checks on their job search urgency, and more. We also analyze the reasons that job seekers are hesitant to re-enter the workforce and offer solutions for employers to use to attract a higher volume of candidates, as well as share some real-time data from Talroo Insights™, in this infographic.
Interested in what we have to say? Our Talroo Insights™ Infographics use our internal data and labor market research to uncover job seeker trends, labor insights, and other employment data that can help you plan your recruiting strategy.
To learn more about the current job seeker trends in your industry and location, connect with us.