Advertising your open positions on your company’s site and on job boards and aggregators is a necessary part of recruiting talent—but it isn’t enough. If you’re in a competitive industry like healthcare, trucking or IT, you must stand out from your competition and get job seekers excited about working for your company specifically. Enter recruitment marketing. Here are four ways you can build your company’s reputation with the people you most want to hire.
Have a Great “Careers” page
When prospective candidates click on your “Careers” page, what do they see? Is it just a list of vacancies, or does that page tell job seekers why they want to work for your company? Highlight your company’s mission and tell job seekers why working for you matters. Have great benefits, an amazing office space and fun perks? This is your space to brag about what makes your company unique!
Invite Candidates to an Open House
Need to do a lot of hiring? Open houses can be great not only for your immediate hiring needs, but also for your company’s brand. Job seekers will appreciate the invitation to learn more about your company—and that first impression will last. Even if a someone isn’t a great fit now, your company will be top-of-mind not only to that candidate, but to anyone else they might refer.
Get on a “Best Places to Work” List
Savvy job seekers always check these lists first. Competition can be tough, but it will pay off if you win. Keep on top of deadlines, spend time on your submissions, and encourage your employees to respond to surveys. And, of course, the best way to get on these lists is to really BE a best place to work. Listen to your employees, keep them engaged and offer them something unique. They will reward you!
Brand your Recruitment Off-site
Job seekers aren’t just googling your company’s name. They’re looking on LinkedIn, Glassdoor and niche industry sites. Make sure you’re represented well by encouraging existing employees to leave reviews and posting plenty of pictures of your office space or your social events. Make sure your company info (like size and location) is up to date. If you’re in a niche industry, learn what sites people are using and get a brand presence on those sites.
What candidate wants to look for more information about a prospective company and come up empty? The more accurate and useful information you have out there for candidates to find, the more informed they will be about why they want to work for your company. And don’t forget to ask a candidate in the interview process how they heard of you—you may be surprised!