There’s a change that’s been sweeping across talent acquisition teams all over the US. Candidate experience reigns supreme as we begin to treat our candidates more like customers, not traditional job applicants. Terrific software providers like PhenomPeople, Smashfly, Yello, and Brazen, just to name a few, help ensure amazing and memorable experiences throughout the candidate engagement lifecycle. Sounds like customer marketing to me.
Enter recruitment marketing. The way companies attract talent hasn’t really changed. Online recruitment advertising drives billions of dollars of activity each year. The Jobs2Careers team set out to innovate the space by bringing a digital marketer’s toolset to talent attraction.
Are talent acquisition teams ready for a change? Yes, they are! There have been many stories like this, but here’s one of my favorites. One of our RPO clients connected with us at our Austin office during SXSW. He ran his own digital advertising agency and was tapped to manage talent acquisition marketing for a Fortune 500 retail brand. While in town, he was connecting with a few of his friends that owned their own digital agency as well that… also entered talent acquisition. Talent acquisition looks more like customer and user acquisition with a digital marketing mindset—and, as we know, even more important for companies.
As we looked at the recruitment marketing ecosystem, our team set out to enhance the online recruitment value proposition. We knew what Jobs2Careers offered was working for companies, given we were growing at ~50% each year, but we wanted to deliver even more value to the ecosystem – in one platform.
There were a few themes we heard time and time again from our customers:
- I want to control my jobs—and only invest in jobs where I need more candidates.
- I want to understand the full opportunity of candidate activity so I can plan.
- I want to only pay only for what you deliver.
- I want you to figure out the best places for me to advertise, so I am investing efficiently.
- I want you to deliver candidates directly to my candidate experience focused career site, not necessarily my ATS.
On Demand Talent empowers companies to attract talent when they need it. Our customers’ requests are reflected in the platform around three pillars: Predict, Optimize, and Deliver.
We are thrilled to release On Demand Talent to help companies attract talent.