Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, each day brings breaking news – some hopeful, some sobering. We compiled a timeline of significant events from the time the pandemic began to change life as we know it until now, nearly two months later. From jobless claims, to tech trends, to pop culture moments, we track the dates that stood out – and how they affected the labor market.
For a deeper dive into job seeker trends, see our previous infographic, COVID-19: Who’s Looking. Who’s Hiring. Data from both infographics is provided by Talroo Insights™, which was developed to give customers a portal into the labor market so they could optimize their recruiting strategies based on data. Insights identifies job seeker behavior trends, talent supply data, and competitive analysis by industry. This information helps clients understand where the talent is, so they can optimize budget efficiency, attract more relevant candidates, and ultimately hire better. If you’re interested in learning more about how COVID-19 has impacted job seeker trends in your industry and your location, email us at