As COVID-19 continues to reshape how Americans work and live, it’s also starting to reshape WHERE they live. Big city renters are leaving for greener pastures, since many workers can do their job from anywhere – and those that can’t may no longer be able to afford the rent. People are seeking more space, and millennials are entering the housing market after a long delay. Many unemployed job seekers are willing to move for better opportunities. All this means a seismic shift in the economies of major cities. We picked Chicago as an example to dive into, with the real-time data power of Talroo Insights™, in this month’s infographic.

Want more? Check out our COVID-19 infographic series. We use data from Talroo Insights™ to uncover new job seeker and employer data trends that can help you plan your recruiting strategy.
If you’re interested in learning more about how COVID-19 has impacted job seeker trends in your industry and your location, connect with us.